[ZODB-Dev] Pluggable transactions logic

Steve Alexander steve@cat-box.net
Sat, 28 Jul 2001 11:00:47 +0100

Chris Withers wrote:
 > class MyObj(PortalContent): # My content storage class pass
 > def myMethod(obj) obj.portal_catalog.catalog_object(obj)
 > registerAgent(myMethod,[MyObj],COMMIT,100)
 > The first argument is the method to be called.
 > The second argument is a list of classes. This indicates that this
 > method should be called when objects of that class are committed.
 > Maybe that could be interfaces as well/instead? If this list is
 > empty, the method gets called for all types of object.
 > COMMIT is an integer constant indicating at what point in the
 > transaction myMethod gets called.
 > 100 is the priority. Methods are called in order of their priority.
 > ...but I don't know enough about everyone elses use cases to try and
 >  give a more complete API...

Another difference between what you want here, and what I implemented in 
TransactionAgents, is that when you register a Transaction Agent, the 
registration lasts only for that one transaction.

It looks like you want to register something with the transaction 
machinery of the ZODB for all subsequent transactions, until you 
unregister it.

In which case, I see more what you're getting at now. I was confused by 
the method name "registerAgent". I guess (in my terminology) it should 
be "registerPlugIn".

I guess the integer value is to allow a variety of plug-ins to coexist.

As far as I can tell, things wouldn't need to register with your stuff 
per-transaction, so you wouldn't need other methods added to the 
Transaction class.

Steve Alexander
Software Engineer
Cat-Box limited