[ZODB-Dev] Pluggable transactions logic

Chris Withers chrisw@nipltd.com
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 18:29:46 +0100

Steve Alexander wrote:
> It looks like you want to register something with the transaction
> machinery of the ZODB for all subsequent transactions, until you
> unregister it.

Bingo :-) 

> In which case, I see more what you're getting at now. I was confused by
> the method name "registerAgent". I guess (in my terminology) it should
> be "registerPlugIn".

Fair enough, I'm just picking words out of the air ;-)

> I guess the integer value is to allow a variety of plug-ins to coexist.

correct :-)

> As far as I can tell, things wouldn't need to register with your stuff
> per-transaction, so you wouldn't need other methods added to the
> Transaction class.

I wasn't anticipating anything added to the transaction class. Bearing in mind
that I know less than nothing about transactions in Zope, I was anticipating
whatever initialises and commits transactions would keep a list of the
registered agents (to use my words) and call the appropriate ones, in order, at
the appropriate points.

Would that be possible?

Would it be a good idea?

