[ZODB-Dev] StandaloneZODB release: when?

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Fri, 30 Nov 2001 13:37:17 -0500

>>>>> "AK" == Andrew Kuchling <akuchlin@mems-exchange.org> writes:

    >> appropriate for the ZC StandaloneZODB distribution.  Is it
    >> worth doing that, under the assumption that we'll eventually be
    >> merging everything into the StandaloneZODB release?

    AK> Yes, it is.  My release was intended as a temporary measure
    AK> until ZC made its own release.


    AK> I still have some corrections and bug reports to apply to the
    AK> docs.  Once you pull things into ZC's CVS, I'll be unable to
    AK> apply changes (at least until I get CNRI's permission).  When
    AK> do you want to add the text to your CVS?

I suppose we can wait until you're able to update ZC's cvs.  If you
make the changes to the zodb project, I can also do some updates to
the file there, since I have write perms to that project.  As long as
it's just one or two files, I can keep them sync'd with our cvs.

    >> Okay, let's leave the contrib stuff out for now.  We'll add
    >> READMEs pointing back to zodb.sf.net for the contrib stuff in
    >> the interim.

    AK> I'll think about packaging that code on its own, maybe.

Let's figure out how to organize it so that someone could download
ZC's StandaloneZODB, distutils install it, then download the contrib
stuff from SF, distutils install that, and have everything work
together seamlessly.  That way, you wouldn't have to worry about
maintaining a copy of the stuff in StandaloneZODB, but just maintain a
project for the add-ons until we pull them into our cvs.

How's that sound?