[ZODB-Dev] Commit seems to succeed but does'nt

Cyril Elkaim cyril.elkaim@free.fr
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 18:12:13 +0200


	We have a "classic" database to implement (persons, items for each of 
them, relations between). Of course we can do that with ZODB, and, in 
fact, it's much simpler that creating SQL tables and writing wrapper 
code. Our problem is that many user can access and *modify* this 
database at the same time.
	If we understand correctly, if we put everything in 'root' (using mapping 
only for indexes) each time users will modify even different objects at 
the same time ZODB considers that 'root' itself is modified and raise an 

	A solution, maybe, is to put objects in different mappings (with a 
suitable structure) and hope that in most situations only one user at a 
time will access and modify a mapping containing a certain kind of objects.

	But maybe this is flat wrong too.


Jeremy Hylton wrote:

>>>>>>"CE" == Cyril Elkaim <cyril.elkaim@free.fr> writes:
> Why would you create a Mapping for each type?  I think you've
> misunderstood something, but I'm not sure what.  The root happens to
> be a mapping, but that does not create a requirement that your
> persistent objects be mappings, too.
> What are you tring to do?
> Jeremy