[ZODB-Dev] Berkeley Storage Pack Error

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Thu, 23 May 2002 11:11:30 -0400

>>>>> "JDS" =3D=3D J=FAlio Dinis Silva <juliodinis@hotmail.com> writes:=

    JDS> I have a zodb in berkeley storage using:

    | -python2.1.3
    | -zope-2.5.1-src
    | -bsddb3Storage beta 5
    | -berkeley 3.3.11
    | -pybsddb 3.3.0

There have been a few changes to Full.py since bsddb3Storage beta 5.
I'd recommend the version that comes with StandaloneZODB 1.0, or
better yet, current cvs.  Jeremy and I plan on making a new release of
StandaloneZODB in the near future.

However, you're using Packless.py and I must admit that that storage
has been mostly neglected while we tried to perfect Full.py.  My long
term plans (if there's ever time to get back to this stuff) is to make
Minimal.py the replacement for Packless.py since it'll maximize code
reuse with Full.py.

    JDS> 1-If I'm using the Packless version way am I seeing lots of
    JDS> log00001* files with 10MB each growing has my zope is used by
    JDS> users? I thought that the berkeley Packless version gives no
    JDS> undo and version thus not bloating the database files. Why
    JDS> are this log0000* growing so much. Can I disable this
    JDS> logging.

These are BerkeleyDB log files.  Packless.py still uses the BDB
transaction subsystem (DB_INIT_TXN) so that's where these files are
coming from.

You need to manage these files with the BerkeleyDB system.  Here's a
place to start:


As for your specific bug w/Packless.py, if you can create a simple
reproducible test case, I'll look into it.
