[ZODB-Dev] zeo 2: asyncore?

Mark McEahern marklists@mceahern.com
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 11:00:30 -0500

[Guido van Rossum]
> So the ZEO server's log file confirms that it sees the Zope client
> connecting, and the Zope client's log file shows it successfully
> connecting to ZEO?

Yes.  Here's the ZEO STUPID_LOG_FILE:

  $ cat /usr/share/zope/var/ZEO_EVENTS.log
  2002-09-05T15:46:18 INFO(0) ZEO Server Serving main:
    <ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage instance at 0x826e214>
  2002-09-05T15:46:26 INFO(0) ZEO Server:1916 new connection
    ('', 43169): <ManagedServerConnection
    ('', 43169)>
  2002-09-05T15:46:26 INFO(0) ZEO Server:1916:uninitialized
    register(main, 0)
  2002-09-05T15:46:26 INFO(0) ZEO Server:1916:main registered
    storage main: <ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage instance at

(wrapped for readability)

Here's the Zope STUPID_LOG_FILE:

  $ cat /var/zope/zope_stupid.log
  2002-09-05T15:46:23 INFO(0) zdaemon zdaemon: Thu Sep  5
    10:46:23 2002: Houston, we have forked
  2002-09-05T15:46:23 INFO(0) zdaemon zdaemon: Thu Sep  5
    10:46:23 2002: Hi, I just forked off a kid: 1946
  2002-09-05T15:46:23 INFO(0) zdaemon zdaemon: Thu Sep  5
    10:46:23 2002: Houston, we have forked
  2002-09-05T15:46:26 INFO(0) ZEC cache opened.  current = 0
  2002-09-05T15:46:26 INFO(0) ClientStorage 1946 Connected to
    storage via <Managed Connection ('', 8800)>
  2002-09-05T15:46:37 INFO(0) ClientStorage 1946
    registerDB(<ZODB.DB.DB instance at 0x886b72c>, None)
  2002-09-05T15:46:37 INFO(0) ZODB Opening database for
    mounting: '142486696_1031240206.539194'
  2002-09-05T15:46:37 INFO(0) ZODB Mounted database
    '142486696_1031240206.539194' at /temp_folder
  2002-09-05T15:46:38 INFO(0) ZServer HTTP server started at
    Thu Sep  5 10:46:38 2002
        Hostname: mail.internal
        Port: 8080
  2002-09-05T15:46:38 INFO(0) ZServer FTP server started at
    Thu Sep  5 10:46:38 2002
        Hostname: mail
        Port: 8021

> Then I must ask, what url (http://host:port) do you point your browser
> at?  What browser?  If you point it at the root of the Zope server, do
> you get the welcome screen, or does that time out too?  Or is it only
> the /manage URL that times out?

I'm using the Konqueror 3.0 browser on the same machine that Zope and ZEO
are running on.  As noted in a reply to Toby Dickerson's email:



when I use the telnet command he suggested, I get the home page once, but
then it times out on subsequent attempts.  When I use the browser, I
typically navigate to:


However, when I restart Zope and try navigating to:


that times out on the first try from Konqueror as well as from Mozilla
0.9.9.  I know 1.0 is out--but 0.9.9 is the version that comes with Red Hat
7.3.  I'm happy to try 1.0 or 1.1, but the telnet test seems to indicate
that it's not the browser.  What's weird, of course, is that I can get the
home page on the first try (and only on the first try), but I can't get even
that from a browser.

Thank you for your questions.

// mark
