[ZODB-Dev] Re: [Zope-Checkins] CVS: ZODB3/ZEO - schema.xml:1.2

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com (Jeremy Hylton)
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 10:24:18 -0500

[Directing followup to zodb-dev.]

>>>>> "CM" == Chris McDonough <chrism@zope.com> writes:

  CM> Looks good!  We should probably think about changing the Zope
  CM> storage config sections on the chrism-install-branch to match
  CM> those spelled here.  I imagine we can play around with Fred's
  CM> schema import stuff a bit to try to do that.

It would probably be good to use the schema import stuff, just so we
have some real experience with it.

  CM> I think we also need to include event log configuration data (we
  CM> should stamp out usage of ennvars like EVENT_LOG_FILE and
  CM> STUPID_LOG_FILE when possible and allow folks to write ZEO log
  CM> messages to other kinds of handlers).

Is there a separate schema for the logging?  I'm not really sure what
the state of logging configuration is on the trunk.

  CM> I wonder if we can get rid of the funkiess of trying to use
  CM> CLIENT_HOME and INSTANCE_HOME in ClientCache.py as well by
  CM> relying solely on the "var" directory set via a zeoclient
  CM> storage config section.

That's an excellent idea!  

  CM> I haven't tried the zdctl stuff so I'm not sure how all that
  CM> ties in at the moment.

It would be great if people who care about zdctl give the current code
a try.
