[ZODB-Dev] My turn for ReadConflictErrors...

Chris Withers chrisw at nipltd.com
Thu Jun 12 11:27:49 EDT 2003


I added a 'Recent Postings' box to the right of http://www.bay-c.co.uk.
It's basically a ZCatalog search sorted on date of the contents of a Squishdot 
Site done in a Python Script and presented through a ZPT.

However, I'm now starting to see these:

Error Value: ZODB.POSException.ReadConflictError on database read conflict error 
(oid 000000000001dee1, class BTrees.IOBTree.IOBucket) in 
"standard:'here/recent_helper'", at line 2, column 1

Notably when I'm in the process of writing or moderating postings.

What do these actually mean?

Could I get round them by, for example, putting a RAMCacheManager in that caches 
the results of the python script that drives the ZPT?

Ideas greatfully received...



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