[ZODB-Dev] Using AdaptableStorage

Shane Hathaway shane@zope.com
Tue, 25 Mar 2003 10:23:32 -0500

Rocky Burt wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 15:30, Shane Hathaway wrote: 
>>>  1. Performance has not yet been addressed (of course I realize that
>>>AdaptableStorage is still in development)
>>We would need to address specific performance requirements.  Do you know 
>>what is slowing down?
> When I did my benchmarks I saw that writing objects to a PostgreSQL/AS
> folder got considerably slower the more objects I wrote (writing the
> 100th object took about 6 seconds).  This slowdown was also evident with
> FileStorage but no where near the same extent.

I wonder if the problem is in INSERT statements.  In recent CVS there's 
an environment variable you can turn on to watch and time the PostgreSQL 

>>>  2. Content/object mapping configuration is too tedious/complicated
>>I agree.  I'm trying to discover patterns so we can look at inventing 
>>shortcuts or, if necessary, creating an XML schema.  Have you tried 
>>making your own mapper configuration?
> I haven't yet devised my own mapper configuration, but this is something
> I'm strongly considering.

It would sure help me if you did.  Base it on Ape (from CVS) rather than 

>>>  3. Too cumbersome configuring any db other than PostgreSQL to work.
>>We just haven't really tried mapping to any other database yet. ;-)
> Need to abstract the bits that are PostgreSQL specific (such as how to
> get auto-incremented ID's).  Would be nice to say that the default APE
> implementation is capable of writing to PostgreSQL/MySQL and some
> commercial RDBMS.

Yep.  Sometime someone will find time to approach this (it shouldn't be 
too hard).

>>>  4. Mounting storages is cumbersome (this is probably something for
>>>DBTab, but in our current circumstances, it directly references
>>>AdaptableStorage as well ;))
>>For this, we need to define how we expect users to use mounted 
>>databases.  We can't let users mount databases through the web, since 
>>that would be a security hole, but perhaps we could let them do more of 
>>the process of mounting databases through the web than they can today.
> Well, the trickiest part for me was trying to map some subfolder in an
> APE Storage to some subfolder in my FileStorage instance.  Having to
> mount, then map, then remount...  should be doable in one step ;)


>>>Now, here are some questions of mine:
>>>  1. Is there a commercial entity pushing the development of
>>>AdaptableStorage, or is this a pure opensource project?
>>Zope Corp. thought it would need the product right away, but it actually 
>>didn't.  (Well, in fact, because the product was created, we avoided 
>>wasting a lot of time making RDBMS-oriented code and got the product out 
>>the door on schedule. ;-) )
> Is anyone currently using AdaptableStorage in an "enterprise" situation?
> (maybe Zope Corp?)

No.  This baby was born in January. :-)
