[ZODB-Dev] Using AdaptableStorage

Rocky Burt rocky.burt@bricsnet.com
25 Mar 2003 10:14:28 -0500

On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 15:30, Shane Hathaway wrote: 
> >   1. Performance has not yet been addressed (of course I realize that
> > AdaptableStorage is still in development)
> >
> We would need to address specific performance requirements.  Do you know 
> what is slowing down?

When I did my benchmarks I saw that writing objects to a PostgreSQL/AS
folder got considerably slower the more objects I wrote (writing the
100th object took about 6 seconds).  This slowdown was also evident with
FileStorage but no where near the same extent.

> >   2. Content/object mapping configuration is too tedious/complicated
> I agree.  I'm trying to discover patterns so we can look at inventing 
> shortcuts or, if necessary, creating an XML schema.  Have you tried 
> making your own mapper configuration?

I haven't yet devised my own mapper configuration, but this is something
I'm strongly considering.

> >   3. Too cumbersome configuring any db other than PostgreSQL to work.
> We just haven't really tried mapping to any other database yet. ;-)

Need to abstract the bits that are PostgreSQL specific (such as how to
get auto-incremented ID's).  Would be nice to say that the default APE
implementation is capable of writing to PostgreSQL/MySQL and some
commercial RDBMS.

> >   4. Mounting storages is cumbersome (this is probably something for
> > DBTab, but in our current circumstances, it directly references
> > AdaptableStorage as well ;))
> For this, we need to define how we expect users to use mounted 
> databases.  We can't let users mount databases through the web, since 
> that would be a security hole, but perhaps we could let them do more of 
> the process of mounting databases through the web than they can today.

Well, the trickiest part for me was trying to map some subfolder in an
APE Storage to some subfolder in my FileStorage instance.  Having to
mount, then map, then remount...  should be doable in one step ;)

> > Now, here are some questions of mine:
> > 
> >   1. Is there a commercial entity pushing the development of
> > AdaptableStorage, or is this a pure opensource project?
> Zope Corp. thought it would need the product right away, but it actually 
> didn't.  (Well, in fact, because the product was created, we avoided 
> wasting a lot of time making RDBMS-oriented code and got the product out 
> the door on schedule. ;-) )

Is anyone currently using AdaptableStorage in an "enterprise" situation?
(maybe Zope Corp?)  What I look at as being a simple enterprise
application for Zope is some circumstance where there are probably 50 or
so workflow-based applications and already 100's of thousands of
database records related to zodb data that is stored for those
workflow-based apps.
