What do you tink of a package named "z"? (was Re: [ZODB-Dev] Re: Python module namespace pollution)

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Wed Apr 21 04:03:59 EDT 2004

Chris McDonough wrote:
> Other top-level candidates: "zdaemon", "pagetemplate",
> "documenttemplate", "transaction", "interface", etc.  I realize this
> extends the potential for name collisions, but it might make things a
> little easier for people who are familiar with Python but new to Zope to
> assume some of the maintenance burden of the packages if they were
> grouped/rooted along dependency lines.  I dunno.  Just a suggestion.

These are all pretty compelling arguments.

To mitigate the namespace issues, how about preceding each top level package 
with Z or z? This is already done for ZPublisher, ZODB, ZDeamon, etc, and the 
eGenix guys do just this for the same reason...


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