What do you tink of a package named "z"? (was Re: [ZODB-Dev] Re: Python module namespace pollution)

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Fri Apr 23 02:44:23 EDT 2004

Chris Withers wrote:
> To mitigate the namespace issues, how about preceding each top level 
> package with Z or z? This is already done for ZPublisher, ZODB, ZDeamon, 
> etc, and the eGenix guys do just this for the same reason...

I think using prefixes is really just a hack. Other languages need this 
practice because they don't *have* ways to construct namespaces, but 
Python certainly does.

Similarly I think it's generally a hack to prefix function names 
exported by a module. The module already defines the namespace, and 
adding a prefix in the function names is redundant. It's helpful if you 
want to use 'from .. import *', but that's generally a bad idea by itself.



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