[ZODB-Dev] Really want to refactor ZEO's networking archiecture

Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra rodsenra at gpr.com.br
Thu May 4 17:20:10 EDT 2006

[ Jim Fulton <jim at zope.com> ]:
|  I'd like to do all of these things, but the main reason to refactor
|  ZEO's networking architecture is to make it testable.
|  Writing ZEO tests now requires actually starting servers and
|  clients.  This is nuts.  IMO, application code shouldn't
|  touch sockets.  Application code, like ZODB and ZEO should
|  be insulated from actual network APIs.  They use simpler APIs
|  that are easy to interccept and control.
|  I've been thinking of a someone general networking API with these
| aims in mind, but I realized that the ZEO existing frameworks could
| probably be refactored in a more limited way to do this.  We'll see.
|  If anyone is interested in workingon this with me, let me know.

 I volunteer to help with two-hours time slices on a daily basis,
 probably more on weekends.
 (Un)fortunately, with the second PyConBrasil coming up this june,
 schedule is a bit tight this month. Nevertheless, I can try to
 persuade our contryman (Jean Ferri, Sidnei da Silva, Dorneles Tremea,
 Fabiano "Xiru", Luciano Ramalho, Leonardo Rochael, Gustavo Niemeyer,
 and me) to sprint on this theme /* the sprint theme is presently open */.
 But I cannot promiss anything for the time being.

 best regards,
 Rod Senra

Rodrigo Senra
GPr Sistemas

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