[ZODB-Dev] ZODB not saving sometimes

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Sun Jun 22 11:56:39 EDT 2008

--On 22. Juni 2008 08:49:32 -0700 tsmiller <tsmiller at gnixterhouse.com> 

> Gary,
> I have been using the ZODB for about a year and a half with a bookstore
> application.  I am just now about ready to put it out on the internet for
> people to use.  I have had the same problem with saving data.  I have
> tried alot of things.  But I have never gotten the database to save
> consistently.  I can create an x number of records one right after the
> other that uses the exact same code to save them, and it is likely that
> all of them will save perfectly except one - or maybe two.

We have never seen that - except with badly written application code. 
Commiting a transaction should always commit the data. That's the sense of 
a transaction system. The only reason I can imagine causing such a failure:
bare try..except with in your code suppressing ZODB conflict errors.

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