[Zope-Coders] RE: [ZC] 181/ 2 Reject "Splitter module"

Vicente Castelló Ferrer teten@gmx.net
Mon, 28 Jan 2002 13:28:36 +0100


I didn't realize I had submitted the bug anonymously. sorry about that.

If someone needs any information just ask.


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Collector: Zope Bugs and Patches ... [mailto:zope-coders@zope.org]
Enviado el: lunes, 28 de enero de 2002 10:32
Para: Vicente Castello; chrisw; klm; Brian; chrism; _Rejected_ recipient
Asunto: [ZC] 181/ 2 Reject "Splitter module"

Issue #181 Update (Reject) "Splitter module"
 Status Rejected, Catalog/bug medium
To followup, visit:

= Reject - Entry #2 by chrisw on Jan 28, 2002 4:31 am

 Status: Pending => Rejected

The "no module named splitter" suggests Vincente hasn't managed to fully
compile Zope properly.

Given that he submitted Anonymously here, he won't get followups so I'm
going to reject this and try and hunt him down on the list...


= Request - Entry #1 by Anonymous User on Jan 27, 2002 7:02 pm

The problems I have had is the "Unpickeable error", along with the "object
not callable" and "no module named splitter".

I have been keeping the searching through the list and as Dieter Mauer
pointed, I have come up with the fact that the s'thing regarding the
splitter module was changed since Zope 2.4.0.

In either Zope 2.4.3 and newly stabled 2.5.0 errors importing previous
version developed products (squishdot sites (1.3.0) or ZUBB discussions
(0.7.0/1) arise (mainly no module named splitter).

I think that the imposibility to import to the upgraded version affects any
product that uses the Vocabulary.(Zcatalog)

I have tried the solution provided in a mial dated 27/09/01 (Title:Importing
errors), that suggested to write a script with the following code:

  from ZopeSplitter import *
  Splitter = ZopeSplitter

Unfortunately this doesn't work.

In a following mail with the same Title , it says that the __init__.py in
ZopeSplitter directory should read:

   from ZopeSplitter import ZopeSplitter as Splitter

I dont know if that must be the right code. I've checked the __init__.py in
my system (2.5.0) and it misses the "as Splitter" part.

Tried to fix it including the as Splitter thing, but didn't work too.

I don't know if that is the right code, but it is not in the file.

Is there a possibility that s'thing is missing in the Windows version of
Zope 2.4.3 and 2.5.0 that forbid the compatibility of products developed in
version 2.4.0 with the later versions ???

I don't know if that is a bug or not, but I am not able to import products
developed in older versions, and that does not seem coherent at all.
