[Zope-Perl] ZDBI_DA product

Gisle Aas gisle@ActiveState.com
23 Jun 2000 23:51:04 +0200

Today I set up a Zope database adapter for perl DBI.  It was in fact
very simple.  Instant access to all DBI supported databases

The guts of the whole thing is basically this:

from string import find, split

def make_item(n,t,p):
        if 1 <= t <= 12:
                t = "tnniinnndttt"[t-1]
                t = "t"
        return { 'name': n, 'type': t, 'width': p }

class DB:

    def __init__(self,connection):
        user = ""
        auth = ""
        if find(connection, "@") >= 0:
                user, connection = split(connection, "@", 1)
                if find(user, ":") >= 0:
                        user, auth = split(user, ":", 1)

        import dbi
        print "DBI Connect", [connection, user, auth]
        self.db = dbi.connect(connection, user, auth,
                              RaiseError = 1,
                              PrintError = 0,
                              AutoCommit = 1,

    def query(self,query_string, max_rows=9999999):
        sth = dbh.prepare(query_string)
        rows = sth.execute()
        return map(make_item, sth["NAME"], sth["TYPE"], sth["PRECISION"]), \

The cool thing is that sth.fetchall_arrayref() is a direct DBI call
that returns the whole result set as a perl array of perl arrays.
This stuff can then be returned as it is directly into the Zope
RDB-machinery without any conversion.
