[Zope] DTML syntax

Paul Everitt Paul@digicool.com
Wed, 25 Aug 1999 17:33:13 -0400

Tim wrote:
> 1. How do the options of storing these PDFs in the ZODB 
> compare to keeping
> them separately where people can use my ftp server to get 
> them? I think
> there will initially be < 20MB of files.

Good question.  First, you gain the benefits of being an object vs. a

  o Security settings

  o Undo if you make a mistake

  o Attach logic

    - Create a DTML wrapper for the file that checks to see 
      if someone came from the correct referrer

    - Increment a property on the file to count the number 
      of times it has been viewed

I could go on... :^)

> 2. What DTML syntax would I use to create a link to this PDF 
> file so it
> can be downloaded? I've tried some different things, but none work.

Hmm, <a href="somefile.pdf">My pdf file</a> should work, no?

> BTW, if some of you other newbies (or cagey veterans for that matter)
> would like to see an example of a pretty basic site that's built with
> Zope, feel free to have a look at mine. It's at
> This is very much a work in process. The only section that is 
> approaching
> completion is "Curriculum." Let me know if you have 
> suggestions or ideas.
> I'd love to hear them.

My first impression -- I like the look!
