[Zope] Context - how can I be here when I'm there

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Thu Aug 11 11:49:25 EDT 2005

--On 11. August 2005 11:42:05 -0400 Chris Matheson 
<chris at centralfrontenac.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> First post.  I've read (past tense) tfm, but still don't know quite how
> to do this.
> I'm writing a Python script called by a zpt page.  How can I obtain the
> resource/object which was first called by the visitor to the site, from
> the python script.  I've tried context.PUBLISHED , but that is not quite
> what I want, as it gives more of a url style.  I'm tring to get something
> that I can compare to an objectValues() list.

'context' - as the name says - is the current object your dealing with.

If you call TTW /path/to/x/y/z/your_zpt then 'context' is the object behind 
the URL /path/to/x/y/z

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