[Zope] SSL over Multiple Zope/Plone sites?

Tino Wildenhain tino at wildenhain.de
Wed Jan 25 03:12:26 EST 2006

Jeff Donsbach schrieb:
> On 1/24/06, michael nt milne <michael.milne at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Ok, thanks. The annoying thing is that I am renting a virtual dedicated
>>server which allows multiple domain names obviously but not multiple IP
>>addresses. Or it probably costs more for that. Do you reckon SSL will ever
>>be available for virtual single IP based hosts?
> I believe you can use SSL and name based virtual hosts if you use
> unique ports for each vhost. I've never done it myself, but I remember
> reading that somewhere in Apache documentation that it was possible.

Well we are telling exactly this all the time here in this thread :-)
But strictly speaking its not "name based" vhost if you use the IP
address to determine the vhost. It usually has a name too (and it has
to - in order for the certificate to work)

And for the hosting provider, dont believe they know all and everything.

Been there, seen so much... ;)


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