[Zope3-dev] Initial thoughts on the Zope3 security framework

Paul Everitt paul@zope.com
Sat, 08 Dec 2001 14:44:02 -0500

Should you mention that docstrings won't govern whether something is 
published?  Also, are there changes to the rules about a leading underscore?

When you mention inner and outer context, I was reminded about Fred's 
first response.  Do you need to explain this somewhere?

Here's something everybody has wanted for a while, but which has been 
disallowed for security reasons: TTW product installation.  When you 
discussed "varying levels of security", it made me wonder if the 
SecurityFramework could provide a mode specifically tailored for meeting 
this need?


Jim Fulton wrote:

> at:
> http://dev.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ComponentArchitecture/SecurityFramework
> Comments?
> Jim
> --
> Jim Fulton           mailto:jim@zope.com       Python Powered!        
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> Zope Corporation     http://www.zope.com       http://www.zope.org
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