[Zope3-dev] More name game suggestions

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Sun, 9 Dec 2001 14:50:58 +0100

From: "Martijn Faassen" <faassen@vet.uu.nl>
> Should we be making the distinction between 'services' and 'utilities' at
> all? Isn't a utility some sort of simple degenerate service?

For me a utility is a tool you do a specific task with. Like a drill, which
you drill holes with. Or a jackhammer, och a screwdriver. I have a hard time
understanding how that fits into the Zope3 component architecture at all.
When I try to translate the physical "utility" into the computer world, it's
not objects at all, but library functions, which I can't see how they would
be components.

If there are utility components, it would rather be a toolbox that holds
utilities. A service, that services you with functions that are "unbound"
i.e., they do not have a state of their own.

A service, you ask things. It stores information, it's configurable, it can
give you objects and so on.
A "toolbox" would only be a library of functions that can modify things, but
has no internal state.

Does this make any kind of sense?