[Zope3-dev] principals, users and metadata

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 20:13:54 +0100

From: "Florent Guillaume" <fg@nuxeo.com>
> About user metadata: Perhaps I'm stating the obvious but I believe the
> association between a user and its metadata should be obtain
> through a separate service; CMF portal_memberdata showed us the start of
> this (I keep referring to CMF because that's where a lot of good ideas
> have been fleshed out). For instance you could have an explicit list of
> usernames in acl_users but want to store the metadata in an LDAP
> directory. Or have the acl_users get its users from an SQL database but
> the metadata stored in the ZODB.

I don't think there is much use of having one service that serve us with
users and another service that serves us with information about those users
and has search service. It should be one and the same IMO.
How it is constructed internally is another question. It is obvious that it
will be good to havethe possibility to separate the storage of user ids and
their meta-data like in the examples you had.

> Also, do you envision that the "grouping" info will be inferrable from
> this kind of metadata ? Given an adequate adapter...

I don't see how that would be possible, actually.