[Zope3-dev] Pre-proposal: IDocument and friends

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Sun, 23 Dec 2001 01:16:12 +0100

From: "Lalo Martins" <lalo@hackandroll.org>
> Even if it has a lot of embedded images (a case my proposal
> doesn't cover), it's still "primarily" text.

Images must be handled of course, or the class will be almost unusable.
Linking them like HTML does is all that is needed though.

> Tables are very tree-like, actually. Tables contain sections
> that contain rows that contain cells.

If you are limiting yourself to HTML representations of tables, then your
description is correct at some level. But you aren't limiting yourself to
HTML, because if you are, then you don't need the product you are
describing. :-)
Also, how do you branch a cell?
A tree has branches and leaves, and can by definition contain any level of
branches. Branches on different levels to not have different properties.
Tables does not fit any of the requirements for a tree, instead tables are
two-dimensional structures with cells split into rows and columns, or with
your description, two-level structures with rows and cells.

> > Your proposal is not a bad idea, and a product like that could be very
> > useful. It can never be the only type, or even the basic type of
> > for Zope 3. This is becuase the different representations will have
> > differences that can not translate between the different formats. A user
> > want to do things in HTML that is not possible to do in your internal
> > format.
> Anything is possible with the format I proposed. Just define an
> extension jargon, and presto.

Plain text does not have a type face setting. You will not be able to change
that with an extension jargon.