[Zope3-dev] Pre-proposal: IDocument and friends

Hannu Krosing hannu@tm.ee
Sun, 23 Dec 2001 12:22:24 +0500

Lennart Regebro wrote:

>From: "Lalo Martins" <lalo@hackandroll.org>
>>Even if it has a lot of embedded images (a case my proposal
>>doesn't cover), it's still "primarily" text.
>Images must be handled of course, or the class will be almost unusable.
>Linking them like HTML does is all that is needed though.
>>Tables are very tree-like, actually. Tables contain sections
>>that contain rows that contain cells.
>If you are limiting yourself to HTML representations of tables, then your
>description is correct at some level. But you aren't limiting yourself to
>HTML, because if you are, then you don't need the product you are
>describing. :-)
>Also, how do you branch a cell?
By splitting it (putting another table in the cell if you mean HTML 

>A tree has branches and leaves, and can by definition contain any level of
>branches. Branches on different levels to not have different properties.
>Tables does not fit any of the requirements for a tree, instead tables are
>two-dimensional structures with cells split into rows and columns, or with
>your description, two-level structures with rows and cells.
>>Anything is possible with the format I proposed. Just define an
>>extension jargon, and presto.
>Plain text does not have a type face setting. You will not be able to change
>that with an extension jargon.
type face is a property of representation, not text per se.
