[Zope3-dev] Re: method and content namespaces

Casey Duncan casey@zope.com
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 12:06:35 -0600

R. David Murray wrote:
>>We're no longer using punch card readers or communicating with our
>>servers thru 300bps terminals. I'm a Linux only user and a happy one at
>>that, but I'd rather be writing /user/binaries, specially since I have
>>autocompletion in my shell and in my text editor. I think it was D.
> I'm +1 on the attr vs attribute suggestion.  I disagree that typing
> brevity for such a commonly used word is unimportant.  Tab completion
> is cute, but when you are a decently fast typist, it gets in the
> way more often than it helps on frequently typed stuff.  It's *great*
> for completing non-system directory names and such, especially when
> you forget exactly how you spelled it, but when there are alternatives
> possible for a name I type a lot, tab completion just slows me down
> compared to being able to simply type a shorter name.  I never use
> tab completion for commonly used command and directory names, and
> I *love* unix's brevity.  Though I, too, would prefer that 'creat'
> be spelled 'create' :).  But don't take my mv or cat or cp or
> /usr/bin away from me, please! <grin>

I hate having to remember what stuff is abbreviated and what isn't, 
especially in a high-level language like ZPT.

C and even Python are good places to make liberal use of abbreviations 
(that are commonly known). IMHO ZPT is not since it lends itself to 
obfuscation. Many users of ZPT *are not* programmers, and "attr" likely 
means nothing to them. At least "attribute" is a real word.

Sorry, but abbreviating user as usr is just dumb... Its just one more 
small obstacle to understanding unix, or is that unx?

-Casey (or if you prefer: kc 8^)