[Zope3-dev] Schemas

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Sun, 14 Jul 2002 23:07:33 +0200

Stephan Richter wrote:
> > > Please send me a brief summary about the stuff; I am not going to read
> > > many hundred pages now (I don't have the time for that).
> >
> > I suggest it is not possible to write a decent schema implementation
> > without some thought and architecture. If you don't have time to do this
> > research, then I suggest you don't write Zope 3's schema architecture.
> Well, but I need them NOW for a project I get actually partially paid for. Jim 
> mentioned already in April that we really need Schemas for a lot of stuff. I 
> waited very patiently until now not to work on it, but I need it now and I 
> will finish at least what I need.

Yes, but you rushed ahead doing a lot of stuff you could've avoided,
if you'd actually waited for me to get back to you. After all I had not
entirely disappeared from the scene; I was working on some issues with
R.D. Murray just thursday on irc -- friday and saturday I was moving house, and
you just suddenly decide going off on your own. Some of the stuff you did
is nice (validator framework, though it need some refactoring). Some I liked
a lot less; see today's checkin messages.

> If you would read all the docu out there on this stuff you never get done 
> implementing anything!

Then you can at least talk to the others already working on this who *have*
at least done some research before you go ahead.

Announcing it on a saturday and then going ahead with it all after
some hours is *not* a good idea if you're not up to speed on a module, right?
You reversed some refactorings we did at the Zope3 sprint; what use
is that?

> If I do a mistake and people don't like my 
> implementation they can always change it (after a proposal). As long as they 
> make all the tests pass, I am fine.

Oh, I didn't see any proposals from you and you changed quite a lot of 
the implementation. Oh wait, you proposed the name change, but didn't wait
for my feedback before going ahead..

Basically we could've avoided at least a few hours of frustrating and
useless work.

Mind, some of the stuff you did is good. 

> > > Also, Schemas + Forms
> > > will work almost exactly like Formulator (which you can download for Zope
> > > 2), so you can see how it works.
> >
> > In my mind, Schemas + Forms work quite a bit differently from Zope 2's
> > Formulator.
> Only technically. The effect at least for the Form part is pretty much the 
> same.

I thought we were working on the technology here. Zope works differently
from PHP also 'only technically'. 

Anyway, you are right I don't have a lot of time to work on this
stuff and I'm glad you're doing some development. Your initiative is good.
I'm just very frustrated by the way you did this.

