[Zope3-dev] I'd like to know......

Jeffrey P Shell jeffrey@cuemedia.com
Tue, 04 Jun 2002 13:10:00 -0600

On 6/3/02 11:22 PM, "Stephan Richter" <srichter@cbu.edu> wrote:

> On Monday 03 June 2002 23:12, William Cai wrote:
>> Hi,All
>>      I am interested in the SOAPSupport proj. Would anyone tell me the
>> progress of the development, the design frame and other develop
>> information? Thank you.
> Ah, 
> I am glad you made it. :-) Well, the plan is to use the ZSI framework, since
> it is the most advanced one. You can fins the code at
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=26590&release_id=78131.

What happened to the stuff Brian Lloyd (I presume) produced?

I've used it, and it was pretty good.  Granted, I haven't use the ZSI stuff,
but Brians was the most complete of all other Python SOAP stuff I tried
(which I think was anything BUT the ZSI framework).

> I have had already several prototypes working and I even had some transactions
> going with Mozilla XUL; this was the reason I looked into SOAP in the first
> place. 
> You should first investigate why you want SOAP support and for what you want
> it. Based on that we might need a more flexible server architecture. Do you
> know what you envision to do with the SOAP Support?
> Slao, if you want to look into Web Services, please go to
> pywebsvcs.sourceforge.net/ and check it out.
> Last, Brian Lloyd did some significant work with SOAP and Web Services, so he
> might be able to point you to some more specifications.
> Regards,
> Stephan

Jeffrey P Shell 