[Zope3-dev] ZCML alternative

Jeffrey P Shell jeffrey@cuemedia.com
Tue, 04 Jun 2002 19:44:10 -0600

On 6/4/02 7:21 PM, "Barry A. Warsaw" <barry@zope.com> wrote:

>>>>>> "SA" == Steve Alexander <steve@cat-box.net> writes:
>   SA> Oh. I find that far more noisy and harder to vgrep than using
>   SA> attributes.
> Heh, me too.  So many angle brackets hurt my head.

It's the lack of angle brackets that have hurt mine.  The intent has been
lost.  ZCML is my biggest stumbling block, and I'm sure I'm not going to be
the only one who feels this way.

Again - I've had to maintain current ZCML style XML code a fair amount
during the last couple of weeks.  It's been much more prone to errors than
the simplified (but more angle bracket inductive) syntax.

Errors == bad.

Too many alarms, too many surprises.

I thought we were trying to get away from cryptic shortcuts, abuses of
syntax, and implicit versus explicit behaviour.

I don't like that some attributes denote a specially formatted value, like
the whole attributes="meth1 attr2 attr3 meth4" thing.  Why am I supposed to
know that this attribute is going to be interpreted as a space delimited
sequence, whereas name="Fun House" will not?  It's like the joy of DTML all
over again.

Ok, so maybe my last words on the subject weren't so last ;)

So I'll still keep my real last word to 'yuck' and move the token along
until the next time I have to say it.

Because I'm really really really not looking forward to SSH-ing into a local
ISP hosting a Zope 3 site I helped develop and debug ZCML files for them in
VI and have to deal with namespaces and things stacked in attributes written
with no regard for the eighty column rule.  Ever edited XML where a tag had
eighteen attributes on one line?  Sucky.

And Yuck.

> I know, let's use s-expressions. (wink)
> -Barry
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Jeffrey P Shell 