[Zope3-dev] spelling of namespace signifiers

Tim Hoffman timhoffman@cams.wa.gov.au
06 Jun 2002 09:50:48 +0800


I would argue strongly against anything that was
like container/view---sompage.html

I have in my time seen people encode file names to have some significant
meaning and use things like '-' as essentially field seperators, so that
a-b-c-x.txt would allow you to derive some meaning from the file name

a--c-x.txt just meant you did have a value for the second field,

Have a look at some of the software in the petroleum market, they=20
use all sorts of interesting and really long file names to encode things
like grid or lat/lon co-ords for map data in the file name.

I personally think if you are going to do something with a
fairly conventional and often used character like '-' you should
at least use '--' as a prefix, which I personally have seen more rarely
and file names with leading '-' characters in Unix are a pain
because the command line tends to interpret them as args, so you have to
jump through hoops to use them as file args, so leading '-' tend not to
be used as much.

I personally use - seperate different parts of file names a lot, just
cause lots of '.' screw with window software.

again just my 2c worth



On Thu, 2002-06-06 at 01:28, Steve Alexander wrote:
> Stephan Richter wrote:
> > On Wednesday 05 June 2002 12:42, Florent Guillaume wrote:
> >=20
> >>Casey Duncan  <casey@zope.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>>container/view--bar.html (et al)
> >>>
> >>>has been suggested as a fix for the ills of the above. -- would need t=
> >>>be made illegal in an id for that to work. Dash already has the
> >>>advantage of not being legal in a Python identifier.
> >>
> >>But I thought we were about to remove all restrictions on zope ids,
> >>giving them full Unicode range. Please don't tell me I can't have "." o=
> >>"-" in an id, that's even worse than disallowing "=E9".
> >=20
> >=20
> > Well, we need some delimiter. It has to be one from the ASCII range,
> It isn't as bad as that.
> You will be allowed to have "-" in an id.
> You will not be allowed to have ascii letters followed by two dashes=20
> followed by at least one other valid identifier character as an id.
> If you really see this restriction being a problem, then I suggest using=20
> the longer version
>    container/--view-somepage.html
> or
>    container/view---somepage.html
> instead.
> I'd be interested to know if anyone has any ids on their sites which=20
> follow the form name--something_else.extn
> --
> Steve Alexander
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