[Zope3-dev] Re: We need a way to define a i18n domain globally

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 09:19:26 -0400

>>>>> "SR" == Stephan Richter <srichter@cbu.edu> writes:

    SR> Thanks; when do you think you will get to it. I am working on
    SR> this stuff today, so I would like to have this very soon. :-)

I'll work on it as soon as I get to the office (b/w 10-11am EDT).  I'm
moving, and my network is up at the new house so I'm going to update
the DNS and move the box in a few minutes.  Email will be spotty for
me until the nameservers catch up.  But that shouldn't hold up this
work much.

    SR> BTW, I think I am going to implement a
    SR> CollectingTranslationService too, so we can start collecting
    SR> messages. MMh, I should make it an interface.

    SR> The only thing I am not sure of yet is on how to save the
    SR> found messages in case of the GlobalTranslationService. I
    SR> wanted to make the ICollectingTranslationService dependent of
    SR> IEditableTranslationService (will be checked in in a sec), but
    SR> that will not work for this case. Any ideas?

Let me think about it.  Maybe we need a writable interface to
