[Zope3-dev] UI effort at Sprintathon

Tim Hoffman timhoffman@cams.wa.gov.au
24 Oct 2002 09:01:18 +0800

Hi Joachim

> The core point is that they often don't use a simple REQUEST-RESPONSE model
> but open an application that permanently communicates with the server in the
> back, using XML-RPC and the like. So you can do things like server-based
> link or spell checking on the fly!
> I can remember the first XUL efforts for Mozilla-Zope. Those were quite
> similar in scope, but they were never finished ...
Have you ever looked at XWT.  It is an XML based windowing environment
run as a signed Java applet, that communicates back to the server soley
through XML-RPC and HTTP. I have done some prototypes using it to talk
to Zope, and implemented drag and drop of references to Zope objects
(PNG's) to create authored exhibitions of artwork.

It works quite well, and in fact Zope could dynamically create XWT
components as they are just XML and Ecmascript.

The author is scrupulously sticking to cross platform portability 
OS/X, Linux, Solaris, Windows etc ....

Could be worth having a look at.

