[Zope3-dev] Proposal for file-system synchronization in Zope3

Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
29 Sep 2002 14:18:59 -0400

On Sun, 2002-09-29 at 11:24, Andy McKay wrote:

> In that case I'd have to comment on the proposal and get a few other people
> who I know are concerned to comment on it as well. I'm concerned that whilst
> this is a good proposal its yet another implementation of serving stuff from
> the file system that we are getting.
> This tool was never around so people had to invent it and we now have the
> following tools for serving stuff from the file system: local fs, zfs,
> extfile, extimage, external file, cvs file, cvs mixin and so on. The number
> of posts on the zope list tell you how popular these products are. All these
> different products do different things in different ways, but the end result
> is getting data out of the zodb so people can use it.
> To make things worse when CMF was released (unfortunately I wasnt involved
> in development) file system directory views came out. These are yet another
> method of serving content from the file system. This way is totally
> different from all the others, again.

Perhaps a not-so-minor nit:  the CMF's filesystem-based methods are
designed to allow deployment of *software*, not *content*, from the
filesystem.  I consider this a crucial distinction, as the use cases
vary *hugely* for the two kinds of problems (actually, there are three
distinct cases:  software, configuration, and content).  Jim's proposal
attempts to make it possible to synchronize *any* of these three between
ZODB and filesystem, which is a *much* more ambitious goal.

Tres Seaver                                tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com