[Zope3-dev] principal events for the event hub

Steve Alexander steve@cat-box.net
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 12:38:22 +0200

> class IPrincipalEvent(IEvent):
>     """Something happens to a principal"""

This should contain a principal object. You can't have a principal event 
if you don't have a principal.

> class IPrincipalAuthorizedEvent(IPrincipalEvent):
>     """Something happens to an authorized principal"""
>     principal = Attribute("principal object")
>     authSource = Attribute("the principal authorization source which has 
> authorized the principal")

The authSource isn't required. The principal is always in the context of 
its Authentication Service. So, the principal alone is enough.

> class IPrincipalAccessEvent(IPrincipalEvent):
>     """A principal tries to access an object"""
>     location = Attribute("location of the object")

I'd suggest 'path' rather than 'location' to affirm that this is a 
string/unicode path.

Steve Alexander