[Zope3-dev] multisection in ZConfig sectiontype?

Phillip J. Eby pje@telecommunity.com
Sun, 20 Apr 2003 12:01:33 -0400

I'm not sure if this is the right place to inquire about this.  I've 
started playing around with ZConfig schema definition, and I've run into a 
couple of peculiarities in the DTD and docs.

First, the multisection "name" attribute is defined as NMTOKEN, but it's 
*required* to be "*" or "+", according to the code.  Seems like this should 
be an enumeration in the DTD.  (Likewise, other tags that could have "*" or 
"+" in name have name defined as NMTOKEN, but * and + are not valid NMTOKEN 

Second, it appears that according to the DTD, you aren't allowed to have a 
multikey or multisection inside a sectiontype, which seems wrong from a 
functionality point of view.  I don't see anything in the code that makes 
this distinction; internally all keys and sections are "multi" in the sense 
that they just have an ordinality.

Are these just DTD/doc bugs?  (zconfig.tex also claims that a sectiontype 
can only contain sections and keys, not multisections and 
multikeys.)  Should I fix them?