[Zope3-dev] plus plus at at under under at at under under at at plus slash

Sidnei da Silva sidnei@plone.org
Fri, 1 Aug 2003 12:37:55 -0300

On Fri, Aug 01, 2003 at 09:17:52AM -0600, Jeffrey P Shell wrote:
| On Monday, July 28, 2003, at 11:01  PM, Peter Simmons wrote:
| >Anyway the idea is that these notations make things more explict. Like 
| >everything though the more you are saying the more you need to 
| >understand.
| For a lot of the applications we deploy, we have administration screens 
| that are usually in a path called 'admin'.  They often live in or near 
| the same space as the public site, but has their own look and feel.  I 
| still want to tell my customers to go to 'www.example.com/admin/' 
| instead of 'www.example.com/++skin++admin/admin/'.
| As a developer, I can get used to typing these things.  I'd prefer that 
| my users not have to type them or even see them in their general usage 
| of a site - whether they're using the public side, or our 
| administration/management interfaces.  So, what I'm hoping for (and I'm 
| sure this is doable already) is that one can say "when you traverse 
| through here, the skin order changes to ``showcaseadmin ticketadmin etc 
| etc``.

Yes that can be done with the virtual hosting stuff, the same way it
is done in Zope2.

Sidnei da Silva <sidnei@plone.org>
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