[Zope3-dev] Re: Are the demo products broken in MS4?

Barry Pederson bp at barryp.org
Wed Dec 10 19:29:54 EST 2003

Gobo Borz wrote:

> Thanks to all for the suggestions.  I'll try the XML
> and the messageboard cookbook.
> I don't know how far I can go with the messageboard
> tutorial, because I notice that starting in chapter 2
> there are references to "context/whatever". I
> understand that "context" has been geddonized in MS4,
> and  fear the changes broke the tutorial code. I just
> don't know enough (yet) to say.  And because I'm just
> starting, it might be difficult for me to figure out
> how to adjust the code.  I'll keep on trying....

I've been working through the cookbook too, starting on Monday, so I think it 
should have been after the geddoning.

IIRC, the context/whatever stuff still works fine - it was the ContextWrapper 
that's no longer there.  The only real change I recall having to make with 
that in the 2nd recipe chapter was the section 5(b) "Thread Python View 
Class" where you create a file named "thread.py".

I think all you have to do is

	delete the first line that imports ContextWrapper

         delete line 15 (wrapped = ...)

         change line 21 so it passes "child" instead of "wrapped" as the first
         parameter to Thread()

Seemed to work OK with just those minor changes.


Another thing that didn't work was in section 3(b) "Create a Python-based 
View class", filename is "message.py" lines 5 and 33 refer to "objectName", 
that should be changed to "getName"


I believe I was able to complete the first two recipe chapters ok, and the 
parts that were outdated were pretty easy to figure out - might have even 
been a good learning experience to track the fixes down.

(wish now that I'd made notes of places I had to change code though)


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