[Zope3-dev] FWIW: I endorse reStructuredText

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Wed, 5 Feb 2003 11:37:00 -0500

>>>>> "JF" == Jim Fulton <jim@zope.com> writes:

    JF> BTW, does anyone know if there is a standard file suffix for
    JF> reStructuredText files? .rest? .rst?

David Goodger and I had this conversation when we were hashing out
whether to allow writing PEPs in reST.  David was adamant that .txt be
used because the files /are/ text.  I was equally adamant that we
needed /some/ way to distinguish them, so we compromised.  The suffix
remained .txt but we added a

    Content-Type: text/x-rst

header to the PEP headers.
