[Zope3-dev] DISCUSS: Correct sequence for PUT

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 18:05:54 -0500

Paul Everitt wrote:


> 2) I'm not sure Zope 3 is doing the PUT correctly.  I did a PUT of a new 
> resource, and RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) Section 9.6 says that a status code of 
> 201 should be returned.  Also, the server should return a Location: 
> header with the URI of the newly created resource.
> Perhaps I'm reading 9.6 incorrectly?

Maybe, but I probably just missed these points. This should be easy enough to fix.

Would you mind submitting a collector entry.

> 3) Finally, I gentle plea for a feature.  In Moztop (and in the 
> Rotterdam skin), I'd like to support Undo from the client, without 
> visiting a page.  That is, I'd like the most recent transaction to be 
> undo-able simply by performing a gesture (click on an Undo button, for 
> instance).

Well, we definately don't want that, as the most recent transaction might not be what
you think it is.

> To avoid sending the user to a page and making them select a transaction 
> to undo, I propose that Zope return transaction ids as part of the 
> response.  This could be in an HTTP response header.  Or, for things 
> like PUT, we could use the response body (which we're not using right now).

This idea has merit. I'm not sure how to plumb it cleanly.

> Finally,

That's your second finally.

 > I'd like some advice on how to handle the sequence for creating
> richer objects.  Let's say I want to create a Smart Image without 
> filling in an HTML form.  I want to create it using HTTP/DAV verbs.

I don't think DAV is a very good fit for this, but ...

> To make this hard, presume two constraints:


> 1) HEAD to see if it exists.
> 2) PUT to create it, sending as the request body some XML for 
> construction.  (I could do a PUT and then a PROPPATCH, but after the PUT 
> it is alread constructed, so I defeat the constructor.)
> 3) HEAD, just in case the server thinks the URI is different. :^)
> 4) PUT to actually send the body.

This should be possible. You'd define a named IFileFactory adapter
with the suffix as the view name. This factory could parse the body to get
the initial parameters and create the object. The object would then
have a IWriteFile adapter to handle putting thye body.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim@zope.com       Python Powered!
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Zope Corporation     http://www.zope.com       http://www.zope.org