[Zope3-dev] PythonScript in Zope3?

Barry Pederson bp@barryp.org
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 13:56:47 -0600

Steve Alexander wrote:

> What I mean is, why would you want to have a 'print "hello world"' 
> statement in a persistent module?
> Persistent modules aren't scripts. They aren't meant to be run. In Zope, 
> you don't expect to see the effects of what you have done appear on 
> standard-output.
> Printing 'hello world' in a print statement in a module is not an 
> appropriate 'hello world' program for a persistent module.

Good point, I had gone a bit far around the bend in frustration, and 
forgot the extra bit in Zope2 where you do a "return printed" which sort 
of turns the "script" into a "function" that returns a value.

But still, the main point was that I was looking for a working example 
for using TTW Python for simple logic perhaps in association with a ZPT. 
  But it's looking like those features aren't quite here yet.

> You'll need to get hold of the module, as described here:
> http://www.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ZPT/ModuleAccessInTALES
> So,
>   <div tal:define="mymod nocall modules/mystuff/mymod">
>     <p tal:contents="mymod/myfunc" />
>   </div>
>> Has any of this been actually tried? or is it more of a hypothetical 
>> "this is how I imagine it probably works?"  or are there more steps?
> I haven't tried much of this. What I describe above should work.
> If I get time, I'll try it out later.
> If you try it out and tell me where you get stuck, I'll try to help you.

I tried to see what modules were available from within a ZPT, using this 

<div tal:repeat="m python:modules.keys()">
   <span tal:replace="m">module name</span>

But don't see the persistent module I defined.

I was reading through Jim's wiki document on TTW Site Development:


which has a section on persistent modules, and mentions:

Persistent modules can be exported to the containing site and all of 
it's subsites by creating a module configuration. A module configuration 
registers a module and also specified which names are accessible from 
the module and, for each name, the permission required to access the name.

The description of how persistent modules will work sounds very good, 
but the bit about "creating a module configuration" to specify which 
names are accessible...and permissions... doesn't seem to be implemented 

>> The big frustration with learning Zope3 right now is constantly 
>> reading that you "can" do something, but specific detailed 
>> reproducible examples of "how" to do something aren't easily come by.
> I can't argue with that.
> You are already improving the situation by trying these things, and 
> asking these questions.
> You can improve it more if you have time to write how-to documentation 
> based on your experiences.

Fair enough.
