Better access to APIs in paths (was Re: [Zope3-dev] needing views clues - template/title troubles)

Chris Withers
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 13:11:02 +0000

Tres Seaver wrote:
> OTOH, these "special" names, like slot names, will become part of the
> not-well-documented API for template writers:  today, in the CMF, 
> changing the particular slots names used  breaks *lots* of third-party
> templates, which is a weakness of the "implicit" API.

Yeah, but this problem can (and should) be solved by documentation...

> avoid the clash.  The only hard case is, unfortunately, very common: 
> containers which allow user-entered IDs can't reliably distinguish
> between sub-items and software without the help of the prefixes.  Fixing
> that problem (which has been the source of *lots* of grief for
> new-to-Zope programmers) was a major goal for Zope3.

It sounds like you're saying this problem still exists in Zope 3. If so, how do 
we go about solving it?

