[Zope3-dev] Object/Hub registration (was Indexing broken?)

Garrett Smith garrett@mojave-corp.com
Tue, 8 Jul 2003 10:30:29 -0500

Stephan Richter wrote:
>> Did you add a Registration object? This is how objects are reigstered
>> with the Hub.
> I really think that the Registration Subscriber should be created
> when the ZODB is created.

I was into this yesterday and noticed that there are some hefty XXXs in
the Registration code -- e.g. "A stupid registration thingie" and "This
is really just an example".

Where is this going? I.e. what's the management strategy for getting
objects into the Hub?

- What sort of policy decisions will managers have to make re Hub
registration? E.g. something like "register things that can be text
indexed"? What are some use cases?

- Is the idea that object registration will be handled by one policy
manager or coordinated between many? E.g. I could see TextIndex managing
the hub registration for ISearchableText objects itself -- or the
WikiTextIndex could register all Wikis with the hub, etc.

 -- Garrett