[Zope3-dev] Re: Object/Hub registration (was Indexing broken?)

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Tue, 08 Jul 2003 16:19:59 -0400

Garrett Smith wrote:
> Stephan Richter wrote:
>>>Did you add a Registration object? This is how objects are reigstered
>>>with the Hub.
>>I really think that the Registration Subscriber should be created
>>when the ZODB is created
> I was into this yesterday and noticed that there are some hefty XXXs in
> the Registration code -- e.g. "A stupid registration thingie" and "This
> is really just an example".

Right. This was just a quick and dirty thing put together to
test text indexes.

> Where is this going? I.e. what's the management strategy for getting
> objects into the Hub?

That's an open question.  I suspect that the best strategy for now is
to add all added objects to the hub.  I *think* that there will be
cases where we don't need this, but I think it's best to call YAGNI
on that for now.

> - What sort of policy decisions will managers have to make re Hub
> registration? E.g. something like "register things that can be text
> indexed"? What are some use cases?

The hub is used for far more than indexing.  As I said above, we should
register everything (that's added) until we find a good reason not to.

> - Is the idea that object registration will be handled by one policy
> manager or coordinated between many? E.g. I could see TextIndex managing
> the hub registration for ISearchableText objects itself -- or the
> WikiTextIndex could register all Wikis with the hub, etc.

The idea was to allow this sort of flexability, which we do,
but we should go ahead and implement a simple policy that
registers everything.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim@zope.com       Python Powered!
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Zope Corporation     http://www.zope.com       http://www.zope.org