[Zope3-dev] form validation inconsistencies

Paul Roe paul@artifact-imaging.co.nz
15 Jul 2003 19:46:08 +1200

On Tue, 2003-07-15 at 14:05, Garrett Smith wrote:
> Sorry to keep bugging the forms/widgets people, but I'm knee deep in
> form-related stuff, so I figure I'd pass on my observations...
> The field validation seems to be handled inconsistently, at least as far
> as the UI is concerned:
Yes it does!

> - TextLine widgets display a small error message when their submitted
> value is invalid -- e.g. "Too small", etc. Btw, this is a nice approach.

The TextLine message is thanks to Stewart Bishop while working on the
Wizard stuff at the sprint. I think the ultimate plan is to have the
messages rendered with all the widgets in a similar manner rather than
at the top of the form. This should help add some consistency.

That being said I'm not sure that anyone was planning to do anything
about the others in the short term.
