[Zope3-dev] Re: Allowing views to be registered for classes rather than interfaces.

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Tue, 15 Jul 2003 18:28:59 +0200

Shane Hathaway wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
> >I'm forced to create an interface for just about any object otherwise
> >it won't play along with the component architecture. Normally I'd 
> >want to wait until I create interfaces until the problem is clear, but
> >now I need them as I need to provide, say, a view. I'm not that
> >good at abstract design.
> Well, I'm with you there.  I don't write an interface until I have a 
> complete, cohesive picture of what it will do.  Sometimes that means I 
> have to write an implementation first.  Sometimes it's so hard that I 
> have to write several implementations before I'm sure of the interface. 
>  Correct foresight comes only with experience.
> However, wouldn't it be sufficient to start with a marker interface? 

Wouldn't it be nice if this interface was there automatically? :)
That's the basics idea of my proposal. Views are still to interfaces,
it just happens to be the case that all classes implement
their own unique marker interfaces. Since I'm worried about supporting
quick & dirty development with Zope 3, it should involve as little
in the way of dead chickens as possible.

