[Zope3-dev] Re: ObjectHub should change data structure

Garrett Smith garrett@mojave-corp.com
Sun, 29 Jun 2003 17:35:12 -0500

Jim Fulton wrote:
> While I hate to revisit so basic an architectural decision, it is
> worth contemplating. I'd be interested in what people think about
> this.=20

So far I've been generally ignorant of wrapping/context issues and
haven't been bit yet. Of course, I'm not shipping a product yet, so
perhaps my time will come.

If I run into security/access related issues, I pull out the handy
'removeAllProxies' which seems to let me do what I want. Yes, not
knowing what I'm doing here makes me nervous.

And then there's the head scratching when I see something like this:

    def addingInfo(wrapped_self):
    addingInfo =3D zapi.ContextMethod(addingInfo)

I imagine there will be issues for developers in terms of knowing a)
what this stuff means and b) when and when not to use it. Perhaps if the
explanation/rules are simple, this approach won't be a problem.=20

  Could someone offer a simple explanation of rules developers need to

 -- Garrett