[Zope3-dev] Re: Starting with Zope 3

Garrett Smith garrett at mojave-corp.com
Sat Nov 29 13:25:17 EST 2003

Alec Munro wrote:
> Hi Philipp,
> Thanks for the enthusiastic response. Based on your advice, I have 
> started working through the programmer tutorial. I made it to slide 7 
> without having a problem.
> On slide 7 it references "zopeproducts". While I remember this name from 
> earlier experiments with milestone 3, I entirely forget the details.
> I searched through everywhere I could think of for an explanation of 
> this, including the readme's of the tutorial, the zope install itself, 
> all files in the doc dir, the zcml files in the root of the zope 
> install. The only place I find it mentioned is in '/products.zcml.in' 
> and it is only the following line:
> <include package="zopeproducts.demo.jobboard" />

You need to create a directory named 'zopeproducts' in:

  [Zope 3 Home]/src

Add an empty file named '__init__.py' to that directory. To keep things 
simple, copy the entire 'demo' subdirectory into 'zopeproducts'.

FYI, the line:

   <include package="zopeproducts.demo.jobboard" />

is trying to include the contents of a file named 'configure.zcml' 
located in zopeproducts/demo/jobboard. You therefore need to ensure that 
the referenced package is a) a valid Python package (thus the need for 
__init__.py) and b) the package is in the module search path (thus the 
creation of zopeproducts in the Zope 3 src directory).

The 'zopeproducts' package isn't setup by default in CVS because it 
really isn't a Zope 3 package -- it's just used as a conention in 
most/all of the demo and sample product code.

  -- Garrett

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