[Zope3-dev] Re: Starting with Zope 3

Alec Munro alec.munro at eoascientific.com
Fri Nov 28 11:05:56 EST 2003

Hi Philipp,

Thanks for the enthusiastic response. Based on your advice, I have 
started working through the programmer tutorial. I made it to slide 7 
without having a problem.
On slide 7 it references "zopeproducts". While I remember this name from 
earlier experiments with milestone 3, I entirely forget the details.
I searched through everywhere I could think of for an explanation of 
this, including the readme's of the tutorial, the zope install itself, 
all files in the doc dir, the zcml files in the root of the zope 
install. The only place I find it mentioned is in '/products.zcml.in' 
and it is only the following line:
<include package="zopeproducts.demo.jobboard" />

Perhaps I overlooked something, but if someone could point me to where 
"zopeproducts" is explained, that would be great. I'm fairly certain 
that it is referenced in the dev cookbook, so should I attempt to go 
through that before this tutorial?
I've also noticed a few other inconsistencies in some of the docs, but 
I'm going to compile a list of those as I learn more.

Alec Munro

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

> Alec Munro wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I've been watching the development of Zope 3 with interest, and 
>> reading as many proposals as I could understand. But I only started 
>> reading a couple of months ago, so I don't feel I have a 
>> particularily good grounding as to how to start development in Zope 3.
> Some of us started coding after a few hours of introduction. 
> Therefore, don't think you have to read up on a whole lot of 
> documentation before being able to develop.
> Zope 3 learned from the Zope 2 learning experience. Diving into Zope 2 
> development was really really hard. It only became easier when you 
> went through a lot of pain trying to understand things. We tried not 
> to let that happen again with Zope 3!
>> I've tried to read through the help docs, such as the development 
>> cookbook, but while the instructions seem to be pretty good, I'm 
>> concerned that much of it isn't up to date, and might do more harm 
>> than good to my primitive understanding.
> The cookbook is a very good place to start. A few things here and 
> there might not be up-to-date anymore, but the overall concepts are 
> still valid. I just scanned through it quickly and didn't find 
> anything that wouldn't apply right now. Feel free to comment in the 
> wiki any errata you encounter, though.
>> So I'm wondering if there is a particular recommended course to start 
>> working with Zope 3? I would be quite happy if everyone chimed in, 
>> especially those recently in my situation.
> Probably even before the cookbook, the Python Programmer Tutorial is 
> the best place to start. It is composed of several chapters. Each 
> chapter is a presentation. It can be downloaded in the OpenOffice.org 
> format from the Zope CVS server:
> http://cvs.zope.org/Docs/ZopeComponentArchitecture/PythonProgrammerTutorial/ 
> Also, the tutorial will show you that the Zope3 learning curve is 
> pretty gradual. Please tell us, though, if you've stumbled on anything.
>> I really hope I am not misusing this list by posting this here. As it 
>> is the only Zope 3 list, it seems the ideal place to gather 
>> information from those experienced with Zope 3.
> For now, this is the best place to ask questions (the others shall 
> correct me if I'm wrong). Also, there are the #zope and #zope3-dev 
> channels on irc.freenode.net at which you are welcome to ask questions.
> Philipp

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