[Zope3-dev] How to use schemagen?

Carl Witty cwitty at newtonlabs.com
Fri Oct 24 20:32:40 EDT 2003

I've been searching the Zope 3 part of zope.org, and the zope3-dev
mailing list, to figure out the "right" way to replace my zope2 ZClasses

One of the answers I found was to use schemagen, a work-in-progress
system for converting schema specifications into simple implementations
(did I get that right?)

In my Zope 3 snapshot (X3-0.0m3), I see the schemagen directory, but no
indication of how to use it.  Does schemagen actually do anything yet? 
If so, how do you use it?  (If not, how was it planned to be used?)

Just a few sentences (or a statement that it doesn't do anything at all
yet) would be fine.

Please CC me on answers; I'm not subscribed to the list (although I read
it sporadically over the web).

Carl Witty

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