[Zope3-dev] Re: Need help planning Zope X3 1.0

Tres Seaver tseaver at zope.com
Fri Feb 6 10:00:53 EST 2004

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Jim Fulton wrote:
>>One area that I'd especially like to get input on is
>>support for scriptors. http://dev.zope.org/Zope3/SiteScripter.
>>Do we need to do more for scripters in release 1.0? If so,
>>is anyone willing to provide some leadership?
> To support scripters better a lot more thinking would need to happen,
> and a lot more design. A leader will have to step up in order for this
> to happen.
> Even if a leader stood up yesterday though it's not realistic for the
> consequences of all this design and implementation work to be part of
> Zope X3, without delaying the release of Zope X3. I would therefore suggest
> we don't worry about scripters too much in release 1.0, and simply put up
> a a notice that Zope X3 is oriented towards Python developers and that
> a later release will add more functionality for scripters.

+1.  I don't think users who don't need not-yet-ready-for-prime-time 
features (e.g., TTW scripting) should necessarily pay the costs 
(complexity, delayed releases) associated with them.

Actually, I would prefer to offer a "stripped-down" version of X3, which 
contained the minimum set of products required to bootstrap a site at 
all, and then focus on easing the construction of configurations which 
include one or more optional products.

For instance, suppose that we offered a web-form with a list of the 
available "zope.products" offerings, and then synthesized a package 
(perhaps a Windows installer, or a tarball).  We could make several 
"presets" available.  For instance:

   - "Barebones"

   - "CMF 2.0" would have versions of the "stock" CMFDefault content
     types, perhaps with some tools to ease migration of Plone / CMF

   - "Wiki site"

   - "TTW Development"

I have spent a *lot* of time recently on packaging Zope2-based systems; 
  making 3X's product set more modular would go a *long* way toward 
easing the same task for Zope3.

Tres Seaver                                tseaver at zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com

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