[Zope3-dev] What don't file-system-based developers need

Sidnei da Silva sidnei at awkly.org
Wed Feb 11 08:25:27 EST 2004

| No SQL strings around, I've made a python module who is able to create
| SQL queries from a database schema definition. Basicaly I compose a
| product with a dbschema and a sqlconnection. This product can now
| insert, remove, update its information in the db. You can also make some
| dbschema cross-selection (albeit simple ones).
| But this product is a work in progress and I feel the need to rewrite it
| from scratch.

Why don't you just use SQLObject? I've been doing this for quite some
time now, and it even copes well with transactions. 

Sidnei da Silva <sidnei at awkly.org>
http://awkly.org - dreamcatching :: making your dreams come true

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